When to grit and when to quit?

Ian Higginbottom
2 min readMay 27, 2023

Some say “never quit” is the secret to ‘winning’. That those with ‘grit’ are the ones that make it.

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Context is critical to the question of when to grit and when to quit.

If you quit a job, that does not mean you quit your career path or quit learning and growing.

If your conditions of satisfaction are not being met, then retracting a promise (quitting) is an important move to take care of yourself and to take care of what you care about.

This does not mean casually giving up when the “going gets tough”.

I recall a situation where someone who worked for a small business experienced being treated badly and was unhappy at work. At first, they ‘gritted’ and invited their manager to talk, made themselves vulnerable, took responsibility for what they could do differently and sought to address their manager’s concerns. They carefully grounded their complaints about their manager by checking with others who knew the situation. Their manager’s behaviour only got worse. My colleague accepted that their manager was not going to change and resolved not to put up any longer with behaviours they found unacceptable.

They resigned (quit) and explained their reasons, and found a job at another company in a similar role. After 5 months in the new role, they are thriving. In the…



Ian Higginbottom

I help school principals and executives build the interaction skills of collaboration and leadership. I help leaders have powerful conversations.