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Inbox out of control?

Your inbox is not full because you don’t file, it’s full because you don’t make decisions.

Ian Higginbottom
2 min readAug 4, 2022


When you read an email, you put off deciding what action to take and when to take it. You procrastinate!

You waste time re-reading emails and looking for emails. You get distracted from doing real work by the background worry you have missed something important.

A solution is to follow the one-touch rule: the first time you read an email, decide what you need to do and when you need to do it. Move the email out of your inbox. Use your calendar as a reminder system and to make visible the actions you must take to fulfil your commitments.

Using the one-touch rule and a calendar, you can process dozens of emails in a few minutes and manage your delivery capacity.

With your inbox under control, you can focus on what you really need to do.

Knowing what to do is not always enough. I support executives and entrepreneurs to be more productive and effectively lead their teams and organisations. I help them master the ‘human factor’ by breaking down leadership and collaboration into observable, learnable and actionable elements. If you want, book a free 30-minute strategy session with me or jump on the waitlist for my next Executive Leadership Program.

Download (free, no sign-up required) my Managing Promises Time and Emails coaching sheet



Ian Higginbottom

I help school principals and executives build the interaction skills of collaboration and leadership. I help leaders have powerful conversations.